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Where Is The Garden Of Eden

The position of the Garden of Eden


and the rivers that feeds it is by no mistake right where it needs to be. God does not make a mistake and God does not need our help. God left things right where He says they are supposed to be and it is up to us to walk with Him and listen. Genesis 2[1] tells us that a river went out of Eden to water the garden that God planted eastward in Eden. Genesis also informs readers that the river then splits into four heads leaving the garden. The first head being mentioned is named Pison. This is through the whole land of Havilah where there is gold, bdellium and onyx stone. There is the Gihon thru Ethiopia then the third is the Hiddekel (which now days may be better known as the Tigris and it goes eastward in Assyria with the fourth river being the Euphrates. The Tigris and the Euphrates originate in the Armenian mountains in eastern Turkey and flow through Mesopotamia to the Persian Gulf.



The rivers that are standing here today are so important to the people and the land around. These waters have been feeding the land since the time God created them to do such a thing. The rivers have life in them they provide food and water and energy and passage ways to and fro for vacation for business for trade and for war, irrigation for crops.


There are several ongoing debates as to where the actual garden was. There is one idea of the garden being located in the Armenian mountains close to the headwaters of the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. Another idea puts the garden in southern Mesopotamia because of the name Eden possibly coming from the Babylonian word for plain, this idea gaining strength; in the writers words. A third idea is that the garden was in the near east and the two unidentified rivers are the Blue and White Niles of Africa, the cradle of ancient civilizations. Whatever the place of the garden, man was separated for disobeying God. Because of sin we have been pushed out of the garden but with God’s perfect plan there is redemption with the second Adam, (Jesus the Christ).


[1] "Genesis 2." In Holy Bible. Camden: Thomas Nelson, 1972.

river went out of Eden

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